Penegra is the generic pill that could be used by the men suffering with the erectile dysfunction to satisfy their salacious wishes. Penegra is the adapted version of the branded Viagra tab, by using the same active constituent, Sildenafil, as its active constituent. Sex is the most prevalent activity practiced by the individuals to satisfy their salacious wishes. But, due to the problems like erectile dysfunction or impotence, men fail to satisfy their prurient desires and this makes them feel ashamed of themselves. Failing in the sexual act is felt by the men as the defeat in the war, and thus adversely affect the confidence and self esteem of the men. Men suffering with the impotence lose the interest in the sex because they lack the vigor and stamina to hold the erection continuously throughout the sexual activity. Many times the impotent men even refrain from the sexual activity as they don’t want their partner to know about their incompetence.
The main reason why men face the erection problems is the lack of blood supply to the penis during the sexual activity. This lack of blood supply to the penis can occur because of any physical damage to the arteries that supply blood to the penis or by the blocking of these arteries by the plaque. The supply of the blood to the penis is the activity guided by the two enzymes cyclic guanoyl monophosphatase (cGMP) and phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE-5). The role of cGMP is to increase the blood supply to the penis when the man is sexually stimulated and the role of PDE-5 is to stop the blood flow to the penis when the sexual activity is finished. The excessive production of the enzyme PDE-5 is considered to be the main cause of the inadequate supply of blood to the penis during the sexual activity.
Penegra acts as the inhibitor of the PDE-5 and promoter of the cGMP production. Thus, Penegra increases the blood supply to the penis. Penegra also allowing the arteries in the penis stiffen when penis is erect, thus the blood flow out of the penis is completely stopped for some time. This phenomenon considerably helps the men to hold the strong and rigid erection for the long time during the sexual copulation. Penegra makes it possible for the men suffering with the erectile dysfunction to once again enjoy the sexual activity to its fullest by giving them the best penile erections of their life. Penegra gives men a capability to enjoy the sexual intercourse for about 4 to 6 hours after taking the single pill dosage. Penegra pill shows the best effect when it is taken about 40 minutes to 1 hour before the sexual activity. The most important thing is that Penegra works only in the presence of the sexual stimulation, without it Penegra will not show any effect.
Penegra is basically a brand product of the Zydus pharmaceuticals that uses the same formulation of the branded Viagra. Penegra is the called as the generic Viagra and it is available at very low cost than the branded Viagra. Penegra improves the sexual appetite of the man and helps him to show his vigor during the sexual activity. Penegra culminates the impotence in men regardless of its cause and age of the man. Penegra is not advised to be taken along with the alcohol because it may induce the side effects. Penegra shows very minor and temporary side effects like unclear vision, disturbed appetite, and headaches. But, there is no need to worry of these side effects because they soon disappear as our body gets used to the dosage of the Penegra.
Penegra should never be taken along with the nitrate-containing drugs because it may lead to cause serious health hazards. Women and children should never use Penegra because it is meant for men’s use only. Penegra pill augments the sexual desire in men and helps them to perform well in the bed. With the use of the Penegra pill, men don’t have to worry about the erectile dysfunction. Penegra pill has a success rate of about 95% in treating the men suffering with the erectile dysfunction. Penegra take cares of the all the erection problems man is facing and gives him a potential to satisfy his salacious wishes.
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