Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Partners Should Actively Participate to Make Sex Satisfactory

Active participation of both the partners is necessary to make sex satisfactory. For the satisfactory sex, both the partners should sit together and discuss with each other there needs. Sexual satisfaction is the basic need of every married couple and if they don’t get it then there married life has the problems that finally lead to the divorce. Sexual satisfaction makes the people to live for more years. Sex keeps you healthy throughout your life by more enjoyment of life, boosted immunity, and increased longevity. Even the success of marriage also depends on sex.

It is very necessary that both the partners reach orgasm at the end of the sexual encounter. This is how sexual satisfaction is achieved. If even one partner is unsatisfied then the sexual life is unsatisfactory. Everyone needs to understand that sex is not a competition; sex is game in which both the partners should win. Men need to understand that women usually take more time to reach the orgasm, whereas male reach orgasm very early so it is necessary for all males to have foreplay. It gives the more duration to male to satisfy the woman partners. Sex is a technique; unless you learn it you will not be able to give your best performance.

Encourage your partner to share his views on sex with you. Men should know that women need to be properly aroused before we start the intercourse. Soon intercourse may also make you lose your stamina and sometimes even the erection. It may also increase the chances of leaving your partner unsatisfied. Try to focus on her entire body before going for the intercourse. Go for the intercourse at the end when she is screaming and asking for more sex. With the help of communication both of you will come closer and gradually you both will have a great sex life.. The female partners who doesn’t discuss with their partners about their sexual needs usually end up unsatisfactory sexual experience. Thus, it is very necessary that women should not feel shy and talk to their partner about the sexual needs. Relaxation is one important step in the sex, which helps you to boost the sexual performance.

Women should also not that they should actively participate in the sex and should not lie down just like a dead body during the sexual encounter. Men love when women show the interest in sex and demand for it. Avoid concentrating on yourself while doing sex. Learn to concentrate on your partner’s body this will help you as well as partner to enjoy the sex. Explore new areas of pleasure that your partner enjoys and pay more attention to those areas what your partner likes.

Avoid being too aggressive and too relaxed, learn to be passionate. Women don’t want you to zero on their clitoris like you are a laser guided missile. Women want a little spunk in their guy, but don’t be aggressive. Instead, focus on turning her on. This will do more than running straight for the canal du stinky. Thus, follow this recipe and have a satisfactory sex. For having a satisfactory sex, it is the basic necessity that both of you should be fit and fine. Hence, exercise daily and keep your weight under control for the satisfactory sex. Daily exercise improves your immunity and keeps you away from the common cold and flues, thus the entire fitness of your body is maintained and you are able to perform better in bed. So, participate actively in sex and make it satisfactory.

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1 comment:

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