Erectile dysfunction (ED) is common condition observed in men through which around 65% of men are suffering from. Men when are unable to get the erection or sustain the erection during the sexual copulation are called to be as impotent and condition in them is termed as impotence or erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction is being caused by the lack of blood flow to the penis at the time of the sexual activity. Many diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, or heart disorders contribute to the erectile dysfunction in men, and the latest disorder that can lead to the erectile dysfunction is the liver disorder. As per the latest study conducted by the Department of Liver studies at University of Michigan, erectile dysfunction is found to common among the liver disorder patients. They have found out during the study that 60% of the men suffering with the liver disorders are found to having some sort of erectile dysfunction. These men may sometimes face the erection problems, whereas sometimes they may get a very good erection.
Liver performs the tasks like protein synthesis, detoxification, and production of the biochemicals that are important for the digestion. Liver is the largest gland in the body. Its position is below the diaphragm in the thoracic region of the abdomen. Liver plays a very important role in the decomposition of the red cells and glycogen storage. Liver disorders are caused by the malfunctioning of the liver. Some of the common liver disorders are hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver tumors, and liver abscess. Hepatitis is caused by the inflammation to the liver, Cirrhosis is caused when the cells in the liver damage permanently. Please be aware of these two diseases as majority of the deaths from liver disorders are caused by these diseases. Jaundice, poor appetite, weight loss, nausea, itchy skin, and tiredness are the common symptoms of the liver disorders.
According to latest study, keep your liver fit and fine to enjoy your sexual life. Scientists form the Michigan University has come up with the new drawback of liver disorders and that is erectile dysfunction. They have claimed that men suffering with the liver disorders are highly prone to the erectile dysfunction. They proved this fact by making a study in which they studied the sexual life of the 200 liver patients. These patients were asked the questions about their sex life. From these men, 87 men admitted of having the problems in either getting the erection or sustaining the erection. They also said that they are facing these problems sometimes. Few of them even agreed of visiting the doctors to solve the problems in their sex life. In this study, 43% of the liver patients were suffering with the either temporary or permanent erectile dysfunction. Thus, it was clear from the study that erectile dysfunction is quite persistent in the patients with liver disorders.
When a man suffers from the liver disorders, the digestion of the food is affected. This phenomenon affects the production of blood flow; as a result the blood flow to the parts of the body is affected. Thus, the blood flow to the penis is affected and men face the problem of erectile dysfunction during the sexual encounters. Liver disorders like Hepatitis swell the liver and damage the blood flow that leads to less amount of blood supply to the penis and leads to the erectile dysfunction. Cirrhosis also interferes with the functioning of the liver considerably and then may lead to the erectile dysfunction. Thus, many of the liver disorders stimulate the improper functioning of the penis during the sexual activity by culminating the blood supply.
Men should consult the doctor immediately if they any of the symptoms of the liver disorders because this may also affect their sex life. One more thing the scientists at the Michigan University said that if you take a good treatment of the liver disorders and get rid of it then you can again get back your sex life on track. Another option that can be used by the liver disorder patients is the use of the oral treatment like Kamagra, Tadalis, or Caverta to get the erection when they want it. But, please ask your doctor before using these drugs.
1 comment:
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