Monday, June 14, 2010

Recalled to Life by Generic Cialis

Before I ordered my first batch of Generic Cialis, I was getting downright depressed. I found myself driving past mortuaries, wondering if it was time to be measured for a coffin. Or, at least a little one for Mr. Johnson. Won’t be needing him anymore! So long, little fellah! Good night, sweet prince! You were really something back in the day. As they say, only the good die young! OK, OK, sorry to get morbid on you, guys. But, all jokes aside, when you realize that you may have had your last erection-hey, that’s some pretty heavy stuff. Until I broke down and ordered some Generic Cialis, I had occasion to wonder whether I was done for as a man, whether my reign of glory was over forever. Whether I’d ever hear a woman moan again. Thoughts of mortality start to creep in-thoughts of old age, decrepitude, and total uselessness. This kind of thing can set off a full-scale mid-life crisis. I felt like buying a red sports car-heck, at least I could give a lady a ride in that. Instead, I got smart, stopped whining, and ordered my first shipment of Generic Cialis. I had nothing to lose-except all hope and desire to live!

I suppose men are wired like that. Until I had to enlist Generic Cialis in my campaign to reconquer Mount Vulva, I thought my sense of self-worth was based on a lot more than my bedroom exploits. Sure, we men have a wide range of professional, personal, and intellectual interests, right? It’s not all about sex. No, no, not at all. That’s so high school, right? Well, just wait and see the plunge your self-image takes the first time you have trouble getting it up and giving it to that sighing, begging, beautiful woman lying there in front of you! How are you going to look into those eyes and say, “Sorry! My ladykiller is taking a nap! Catch you later, baby!” It’s like retreating from a field of battle, your tail (quite literally) between your legs. I’d had enough of the shame, after this happened two or three times. But for some reason I was slow to order Generic Cialis. This is the second aspect of male pride. Of course we’re ashamed and traumatized when we can’t slap around Mr. Slappy and get him to stand at attention, sure. But we’re doubly ashamed to get on the Internet and order some Generic Cialis. Why is that? All the stuff does is restore your natural ability to get hard and stay hard. It’s all about blood flow, guys. Simple as that.

My Generic Cialis was delivered to my doorstep just days later, and no one was the wiser. But now I had a secret weapon in my arsenal, to polish up old Excalibur whenever I sensed a battle approaching. Just pop a pill of Generic Cialis a bit ahead of time, and when you’re properly aroused, you’ll quickly have that good old feeling that your raging erection is about to tear a hole in your pants. And it’s amazing what a couple of good bangs will do for your self-confidence, your outlook on life. And you’ll be even more surprised what it’ll do for your woman… you know, the one who, quote un-quote, “doesn’t really need it to be happy.” What a crock. Order some Generic Cialis and give it to her the way you used to, and just watch as she stops the pouting and the grumpy attitude. Yep, it’s just that easy! So, get over those feelings of mortality, if you’re suffering from erectile dysfunction! You don’t have to join your Jimmy in an early grave! Resurrect him, with Generic Cialis!